The operator is not legally obliged to provide you with proof of receipt when you submit a cancellation request (see question What do I need to do to cancel a contract?). If you want proof that you submitted the request, use a means of communication that allows a record to be kept, for example a registered letter or email.
The operator has a deadline to confirm that it has received your cancellation request. This deadline is different depending on whether the cancellation request was correctly submitted.
If your cancellation request was correctly submitted, the operator must inform you, in writing and within a maximum period of 5 working days, that it has received the request. In this communication, the operator must indicate the date on which the contract will actually be cancelled and inform you of your rights and obligations following cancellation, including the obligation to pay any penalties, for example for failure to comply with any contractual binding period.
If your request was not correctly presented (for example, if you did not identify yourself correctly, did not properly identify the service you want to cancel or you did not attach the required documents), the operator must inform you, in writing and within 3 working days, specifying the missing items/information in your request and advising you that if you do not present these items within 30 working days, the cancellation request will expire and you will have to start the process again.
The cancellation request is considered correctly presented when you have provided the necessary information and documents. The service's deactivation period starts from that moment.
In summary: